برنامج مقترح في ضوء متطلبات منهج العلوم التكاملية (stem) لتطوير الأداء المهني والأكاديمي لمعلمي العلوم والرياضيات بالمرحلة الثانوية


The current study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a proposed program to develop the professional and academic performance of science and mathematics teachers in the light of the entrance to the integration between science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), by preparing a list of requirements for building a proposed program for science and mathematics teachers in the light of STEM education, and from Then building the proposed program based on these requirements, and the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach to describe and analyze research and studies related to the study problem and prepare the proposed concept for the training program, and the study reached a list of professional and academic development requirements for science and mathematics teachers in the light of (STEM) divided into four main axes In light of these requirements, a proposed conceptualization of the program was built, and the program was implemented through a note card to know its effectiveness, and the study found that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.01) between the average scores of science and mathematics teachers in the post and pre-implementation applications of the professional performance note card and the academic of the study sample group in favor of the post application. (Published abstract)