جماليات الخزف لفن ما بعد الحداثة واشتغالاتها في نتاجات طلبة قسم التربية الفنية


Through its long history, porcelain art witnessed many transformations, which came in slow stages of time slowly, while transformations in other stages came quickly, which is what happened in modern art as the potter derived his specific ability in the dimensions of the environment and was inferred by social norms that were consistent with its circumstances and left the environment Her mark on ceramic art. That is why the current research goal came to reveal: (Aesthetic manifestations in contemporary porcelain for the products of students of the Department of Art Education), as for the limits of the research, they were as follows: The objective boundaries: contemporary porcelain works, which were accomplished by students of the Art Education Department. Spatial limits: College of Fine Arts, Department of Art Education, third stage. Time limits: 2016-2017. The second chapter was devoted to the theoretical framework and previous studies and discussed. As for the third chapter, which is represented by the research procedures, it may consist of (30) work, the research sample (5) works, and the research tool represented by (ceramic tool analysis tool form) that was presented to the experts to achieve honesty and consistency. The research concluded with the fourth chapter, which included the results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals. (Published abstract)