فعالية الدعائم التعليمية في تنمية البراعة الرياضية لدى تلاميذ الصف الأول الإعدادي


This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using instructional scaffolding in developing mathematical proficiency among preparatory stage pupils. Participants of this research were sixty-five first year prep pupils at Mohamed Amr Albadry Prep school, Berkit El-Sabea, Menofia Governorate. They were assigned into two groups: an experimental group (33) who were taught using the Instructional Scaffolding, and a control one (32) who were taught using the traditional method. The content was delimited‎to‎ “Algebra‎ and‎ Numbers”‎ unit ‎in ‎first ‎year ‎prep ‎book‎ at the second semester of the academic year (2018-2019). Instruments included: a) the Mathematical Proficiency Test including its following four dimensions (Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Fluency, Strategic Competence, Adaptive Reasoning); and b) a scale to measure the Productive Disposition. Findings revealed that the unit prepared by using the Instructional caffolding was effective in developing mathematical proficiency among preparatory stage pupils. (Published abstract)