تصور مقترح لإنشاء وحدة لإدارة الأزمات في وزارة التربية بدولة الكويت في ضوء خبرات بعض الدول


The current study aimed to identify the reality of crisis management in the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait, and the effect of variables (gender, job title, academic qualification, experience) on this, and to present a proposal to establish a crisis management unit in the Ministry of Education in light of some countries experiences. The study adopts the descriptive approach, the sample consisted of (54) of the leaders of the Ministry of Education, a questionnaire was applied to them included (32) phrases distributed in four dimensions. The results of the study show that the reality of crisis management as a whole in the Ministry of Education was Medium, and the dimensions came in the following order: planning, followed by leadership and communication, then training, and finally assessment. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample about the reality of crisis management as a whole and all the dimensions due to gender and job title variables, and there were differences about planning due to scientific qualification variable, while there were no differences about the reality of crisis management as a whole and the following dimensions: training, leadership and communication, assessment. The results also indicated that there are differences about training, leadership and communication due to experience variable, while there are no differences about the reality of crisis management as a whole and the dimensions planning, assessment. The study presented a proposal for establishing a Crisis Management Unit in the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait in light of some countries experiences. (Published Abstract)