فاعلية استخدام إستراتيجية روبنسون (sq3r) في تنمية الاستيعاب القرائي لمقرر لغتي الخالدة لدى طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط


The goal of the research is to identify the effectiveness of the use of the Robinson Strategy (SQ3R) in the development of reading absorption among middle-class secondgrade students with a timeless language course, and to achieve this aim, the use of the semi-experimental curriculum with a design (tribal-dimensional) for the same group, and applied the test tool to A sample of (24) middle second graders, and statistical treatments were used that are appropriate to the research tool, and the results of the current research have shown: there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) between the averages of the grades of the test of the skills of reading absorption skills (literal, The impact of Robinson's strategy (SQ3R) in the development of reading absorption among middle-grade students has been recommended by the researcher to several recommendations, the most important of which is the use of robinson strategy (SQ3R) in the teaching of curricula Arabic language, in order to achieve the objectives of effective learning. (Published abstract)