مستويات معالجة المعلومات للنصوص المسموعة لدى التلاميذ ذوي صعوبات القراءة : دراسة وصفية لعينة من تلاميذ السنة الخامسة إبتدائي


The present study aimed to identify the levels of information processing of audible texts among pupils with reading difficulties based on the following question: what are the levels of information processing of audible texts among a sample pupil with reading difficulties? A descriptive exploratory method was applied by using three performance and verbal tests: the sequence of consecutive matrices, the reading test, and the assessment of the level of processing of information in the audible texts on a sample that was chosen in a non-probabilistic and intentional manner consisting of 10 pupils with reading difficulties in three primary schools in El Oued city (south-east of Algeria). The study concluded that the level of information processing of audible texts among fifth year primary school pupils with reading difficulties is superficial. (Published abstract)