درجة توافر متطلبات استخدام البيانات الضخمة في التخطيط الاستراتيجي بوزارة التربية والتعليم في المحافظات الجنوبية لفلسطين


This study aims to identify the degree of availability of requirements for the use of big data in the strategic planning at the Ministry of Education in the southern governorates of Palestine, from the viewpoint of its employees. The descriptive and analytical approach was employed to reach the aims of the study. The study tool was a questionnaire consisting of three areas that included technical requirements (11 items), human requirements (10 items), and regulatory requirements (10 items). The study population included (150) administrative employees, and the study sample consisted of the entire population using the comprehensive survey method, as (132) employees completed the questionnaire, comprising (88%) of the study population. Descriptive tests and specialized statistical programs were used to analyze the collected data. The results of the study show the following: 1) The degree of availability of the requirements was large at a rate of (76.42%). The field of technical requirements ranked first, with a high degree of availability reaching (77.88%), and the degree of availability of human requirements came in second place with a degree of availability of (77.18%), while regulatory requirements ranked third with a high degree of availability (74.06%). 2) There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses of the study sample to the degree of availability of the requirements for the use of big data in strategic planning that are attributed to the two variables of academic qualification (BA or less, postgraduate studies), and the variable of years of service, and in the variable (participated, not participated) in the overall degree of any of the fields of study, and at the job’s level in the area of regulatory requirements. 3) There are differences attributed to the job’s level (director and above, department head, others) in the overall degree in the two areas (technical requirements, and human requirements) in favor of the level of "director and above". The researcher recommends that the Ministry should use big data in strategic planning and adopt clear policies for that. She also recommends the necessity of updating the software programs, operating systems, and available devices periodically to keep pace with the development of data technology and computer programs. The Ministry is also recommended to enhance the employees’ awareness of the importance of using big data and to develop the necessary skills for them by qualifying the work team with the necessary programs and training courses. Finally, the researcher finds that special importance is given to the use of qualified external expertise in the field of big data whenever the need arises. (Author’s abstract)