أثر توظيف الأنشطة الإلكترونية ببيئة التعلم المدمج في تحصيل طالبات الصف الحادي عشر لمادة التربية الإسلامية وتنمية مهارات التعلم الذاتي لديهن

This study aimed at identifying the impact of using electronic activities on grade-eleven female students’ achievement in Islamic Education and on promoting these students’ Self learning. The study used the quasi experimental design, with a sample of 60 female students studying at grade eleven. The sample was further divided into two groups, namely experimental (30) and control (30). To achieve the objectives of the study, a 20-question achievement test was prepared. The test was given to a jury panel to judge its validity. As for the reliability factor, it was (0.71) as measured by Cronbach’s alpha. To measure learner autonomy, the study employed the ‘Self Learning Skills Scale’ which consisted of (32) items covering three areas. The content validity of the scale was confirmed by a number of judges. Its reliability factor was (0.88). The results indicated that the experimental group has outperformed the controlled group in both the achievement test and the Independent Learning Scale. The average score of the experimental group was (0.05) higher than that of the controlled group. The study recommended encouraging teachers of Islamic Education to apply the electronic activities in their teaching of Islamic Education, as well as conducting courses and workshops for teachers and supervisors on how to employ these electronic activities in their teaching. (Published abstract)