درجة رضا طالبات الدراسات العليا عن نظام بلاكبورد واستخدامه في تدريسهن الطارئ عن بعد في ضوء نموذج نجاح نظام المعلومات لديلون ومكلين


The study aimed to investigate the degree of satisfaction of graduate female students in Educational Technology specialization about the Blackboard system and its use in their emergency remote teaching in the light of DeLone and McLean's Information System Success Model. The study was applied after the end of the second semester of the academic year (1441 AH -2020 AD) on a sample consisting of (30) female students. A questionnaire prepared by the researcher was used, based on DeLone and McLean's Information System Success Model, and it included six factors: (system quality, information quality, service quality, user satisfaction, system use, net benefits). The results of the study have shown that system quality, information quality, service quality, and net benefit positively affected the user's satisfaction and the use of the system, and that system use affected the user's satisfaction positively. (Published abstract)