إستراتيجية مقترحة لتطوير الدراسات العليا التربوية في ضوء بعض المتغيرات المعاصرة


The study aimed to propose strategy for the development of educational postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Education - Mansoura University in the light of some contemporary variables, to achieve this purpose the researcher used the descriptive method, and the research relied on the questionnaire, The research reached many results, including: The most prominent human requirements for the development of educational postgraduate studies were presented in the light of some contemporary variables, respectively, as follows: Encouraging faculty members to publish research in international scientific journals, enabling faculty members to use technology in the educational process, and encouraging faculty members to communicate scientifically with international universities, and provide training programs to develop the competencies of scientific research among graduate students (statistical methods, language skills, and others). The most prominent organizational requirements for the development of educational postgraduate studies were represented in the light of some contemporary variables, respectively, as follows: Setting accurate scientific standards for the admission of distinguished students in graduate programs, amending the list of postgraduate studies in line with developments in international university systems, and attracting local and international scientific competencies to provide their experiences for students and faculty. The study recommended the necessity of continuous development of postgraduate programs, and creating new and distinguished programs according to the requirements of local and Arab labor market. (Author’s abstract)