العوامل المؤثرة في أنماط التحاق الطلبة بجامعة اليرموك

The aim of this study is to reveal the factors affecting the enrollment of students at Yarmouk University for the academic year 2013-2014, as it sought to reveal the demographic characteristics of Yarmouk university students according to the province from which they came from, and the motives of their enrollment at the university, the study used the descriptive analytical curriculum, the results showed the impact of the process of enrolling students at Yarmouk University by several factors came geographical and personal motives at the forefront, and then economic motives and then Social motivations in the last place, as the results showed the existence of many university opportunities that were available to enroll students, but did not affect the process of enrolling students at Yarmouk University, the study recommended the following: to give students the most functional advantages, to invite decision makers from economists, educators and germ into organize programs to exploit and direct youth energies, and to increase the provision of grants and loans to support the process of university enrollment in general and at Yarmouk University in particular. (Published abstract)