أثر استخدام الصحف الرقمية في تدريس التاريخ على تنمية مهارات استخدام المصادر التاريخية والوعي بالأحداث الجارية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


Objective of the research: the aim of the current research is to identify the impact of the use of digital newspapers on the development of the skills of the use of historical sources and awareness of events in the teaching of history, and to achieve the research objective, a test of historical resource use and awareness of current events was developed, and the sample was made up of 60 students of the first grade secondary school in the West Tanta Educational department in Gharbia Governorate, was The sample was divided into two groups, a 30-student trial Group and a 30-student female officer group, and the search for the following results revealed, having statistically significant difference at the level <0.05 between the intermediate grades of the experimental group and the CRTs application group to test the skills of using historical sources as a whole and each individual skill in favour of the experimental group, as well as the presence of statistically significant difference at the level <0.05 between the intermediate grades of students of the experimental group The officer in the application CRTs to the awareness measure of the current events as a whole in favour of the experimental group, and the existence of a statistically irrelevant correlation at the level <0.05 between the grades of the students of the experimental group in the application CRTs to test the skills of the use of historical sources, and the measure of awareness of events Ongoing. (Author’s abstract)