تطوير منهج الخامات النسيجية لطلاب المدرسة الثانوية الصناعية في ضوء متطلبات التنمية المستدامة


The research objective is to know the effectiveness of the approach of textile raw materials developed in the light of some of the requirements of sustainable development in increasing the achievement of students specializing in garments and the development of their attitudes towards sustainable development. The research sample consisted of (32) female students of the second grade of secondary industrial specialization of ready-made clothes in Damietta industrial secondary school for girls. Search tools: 1) Questionnaire for the opinion of specialists on the requirements of sustainable development to be met in the curriculum of raw materials for students of industrial secondary school. 2) A tool to analyze the content of the textile raw materials curriculum for industrial secondary school students in the light of the requirements of sustainable development. 3) Test the collection of information contained in the Smart Textiles Unit. 4) Measuring the attitudes of female students of the garment division towards sustainable development. 5) Student book and teacher guide in the smart textile unit. The research results: 1) The level of requirements for sustainable development in the curriculum of textile raw materials for industrial secondary school students is below the 75% level. 2) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the students of the research group in the pre and post applications for the achievement test in favor of the post application of the test. 3) There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of students of the research group in the pre and post applications of the scale of trends towards sustainable development in favor of the post-scale application. 4) The teaching of the Smart Textile Unit has achieved an impact of > 0.5 on increasing the achievement of students of the research group and developing their attitudes towards sustainable development. 5) Teaching of the Smart Textile Unit achieved > 0.6 effectiveness in increasing the achievement of students of the research group and developing their attitudes towards sustainable development. (Author’s abstract)