وحدة إثرائية مقترحة قائمة على دوافع بعض الثورات الشعبية في مصر لتنمية الوعي التاريخي والقراءة الناقدة للنصوص التاريخية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


The aim of the current research was to develop first year secondary school students’ historical awareness and critical reading, utilizing a proposed enrichment unit based on the motives of some popular Egyptian revolutions and measuring their effectiveness. This necessitated a theoretical study of related research and previous literature. In order to provide a philosophical and theoretical foundations for the proposed enrichment unit. The tools and procedures of research were presented as follows: 1) An achievement test, a historical awareness scale, an attitude test to measure first year secondary school students’ historical awareness. 2) Preparation of a critical reading skills test to measure first-year secondary school students’ critical reading skills. 3) Selecting the primary experimental group from the first secondary school students to conduct the basic experiment, Pre application of the instruments to the search sample. 4) Conducting the basic experiment using the proposed enrichment unit based on the motives of some popular Egyptian revolutions, post application of the study instruments. 5) Processing data of the pre and post-application with appropriate statistical methods. 6) Providing a set of recommendations and research suggestions in the light of the results reached, which are summarized as followed: Demonstrate the effectiveness of the a proposed enrichment unit based on motives of some popular Egyptian revolutions to develop first grade secondary students’ historical awareness and critical reading of historical texts. (Author’s abstract)