فعالية برنامج بالأنشطة الفنية في تنمية الثقافة البصرية والأداء الفني الابتكاري لدى الأطفال ذوي صعوبات التعلم النمائية


The current study aims to: 1) Identify the dimensions of visual culture appropriate for children with developmental learning difficulties. 2) Build a program of artistic activities for the development of visual culture in children with developmental learning difficulties. 3) Verifying the effectiveness of the program of artistic activities for the development of visual culture and its impact on the innovative artistic performance of children with developmental learning difficulties. The results of the study showed the effectiveness of artistic activities in the development of visual culture and innovative artistic performance in children with developmental learning difficulties, and the results of the present study can be summarized as follows: 1) There are differences between the mid-level grades of the tele-measurements of the experimental groups and the officer in the visual culture scale for the experimental group. 2) There are differences between the mid-level grades of the groups and the pilot and the officer in the innovative technical performance recognition card for the pilot group. 3) There are differences between the mid-and upper-grade grades of the experimental group in the visual culture scale in favor of dimensional measurement. 4) There are differences between the mid-level grades of the tribal and other measurements of the experimental group in the innovative technical performance recognition card for dimensional measurement. (Author’s abstract)