إستخدام الوسائل التعليمية (السمعية والبصرية) وأثرها في تعلم مهارة دقة التهديف لدى لاعبي الشباب بكرة القدم بعمر (17 - 18) سنة

The aim of the research is to identify the effect of visual and auditory teaching aids and their effect on learning the accuracy of scoring in football for players aged 17 - 18 years old. The researcher used the experimental method. The subjects were (24) Al Anbar football team that was divided into two groups; the experimental group and the controlling group. The experimental group used visual and auditory aids to learn scoring in football while the controlling group used the traditional curriculum. The researcher concluded that the experimental group surpassed the controlling group in learning scoring in football. (Published abstract)