واقع الحضور الاجتماعي في حالة الفصل في التعليم (segregation) : من وجهة نظر وخبرات طالبات الدراسات العليا بجامعة الملك سعود باستخدام نظام إدارة التعلم بلاك بورد


This study aimed to identify the reality of social presence in Segregation with utilized LMS in higher education system in Saudi Arabia, from the perspective and experiences of graduate female students in King Saud University, in addition to identify factors which affect social presence in learning social-isolated environments, also it seeks to check the extent of impact of experiences and practices of female students on enhancing the classroom interaction in learning social-isolated environments by using Blackboard. In order to achieve the study objectives, the researcher used the descriptive method, the study sample consisted of (160) graduate female students in University City affiliated to King Saud University in Riyadh, the study sample was selected randomly. The questionnaire was used to collect data, The study results indicated that there is an agreement by medium degree by graduate female students in King Saud University towards the fact of social presence in case of Segregation in educational process. The most prominent factors influence on the social presence in social isolated learning environments from their perspective was about reduced of interaction by faculty members about what is published in discussion panels, good design of discussions in discussion panel in blackboard system, in addition to existence of technical problems in the system cause interaction difficulty. Also, there is an agreement by high degree by female students on the extern of impact of their experiences and practices on enhancing the classroom interaction in social-isolated learning environment. Some suggestion on future research proposed at the end of the study that could contribute to the educational technology field. (Published abstract)