الفجوة بين مناهج رياض الأطفال والتعليم الابتدائي الأساسي (الصفوف الأولية) في المدارس الحكومية بالمملكة العربية السعودية


The aim of this research is to know the methods and teaching methods used by teachers in the primary grades in public elementary schools in Riyadh. And to know the educational games that can be used in the primary grades in public primary schools in Riyadh. And to know the reality of the use of educational games in the primary grades in public primary schools in Riyadh. The aim of this research is to know the importance of continuity of the curriculum used in kindergartens in the primary grades of the government primary stage. One of the most prominent results of the research is that the most prominent theories that contributed to the understanding of the nature of the learner and its results contributed to the formation of the curriculum of primary school, including Piaget theory, and the theory of learning based on brain functions. Among the methods and teaching methods used by teachers in primary classes in public primary schools in Riyadh, including the dumping method, the method of discussion, and the structural method. Among the educational games that can be used in the primary grades in primary schools in the city of Riyadh physical play and play and play constructive construction and artistic games and cultural games. (Published abstract)