درجة مقروئية كتاب التربية الإسلامية للصف الأول المتوسط في العراق

The study is aimed at identifying the degree of readability of the Islamic Education book for the first intermediate class. The research also found out the statistical significant differences according to gender, and the Holy Quran and the Islamic Education variables. The sample of the study consisted of 173 male and female students from Al-Anbar Directorate’s schools in Iraq. The study used the descriptive analytical method and the cloze test. The results showed that the degree of readability among the participants as a whole was 56.65% at the independent level, 37.57% at the educational level, while only 5.78% at the frustration reading level. The analyzed data also revealed a statistically significant differences in favor of the male students while the statistically significant differences between the respondents in accordance to the degree of Islamic Education book readability was in favor of the Holy Quran lessons. The study recommended measuring the readability of the Islamic Education books and affirming their suitability according to the students’ level. (Author’s abstract)