فاعلية برنامج إثرائي قائم على استراتيجيات ما وراء الذاكرة في تنمية التعلم الذاتي وتحسين جودة الحياة لدى طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي الدارسين لمادة علم الاجتماع


The Research Objective: The present research seeks to study the effectiveness of the enriching program based on meta-memory strategies in developing self-learning and improving quality of life, for the 2nd grade secondary students who study sociology. The Research Outcomes The presence of differences of statistical significance between the average degrees of students in the fore-application and post-application of the cognitive acquirement test in the whole program together with its subsidiary dimensions at the function level of (0,01), in favor of the postapplication, with the fact that the magnitude of the program impact is substantial. The presence of differences of statistical significance between the average degrees of students in the fore-application and post-application of the quality of life whole measure and its subsidiary dimensions at the function level of (0,01), in favor of the post-application, with the fact that the magnitude of the program impact is substantial. The presence of differences of statistical significance between the average degrees of students in the fore-application and post-application of behavioral situations whole test for the quality of life and its subsidiary dimensions at the function level of (0,01), in favor of the post-application, with the fact that the magnitude of the program impact is substantial. The presence of differences of statistical significance between the average degrees of students in the whole test of behavioral situations for self-learning skills, and its subsidiary dimensions at the function level of (0,01), in favor of the post-application, with the fact that the magnitude of the program impact is substantial. The effectiveness of the enriching program based on the metamemory strategies in developing cognitive acquirement and self-learning and improving quality of life for the 2nd grade Secondary students who study the subject of sociology. (Published abstract)