القدرة التنبؤية للذكاء الروحي وأحداث الحياة الضاغطة على الكفاءة الذاتية لدى عينة من معلمي التربية الخاصة


The study aims at investigating the capability of spiritual intelligence and stressful life events to predict Self Efficacy, and disclosing the impact of variation in (gender, teacher category, track of student disability), to a sample of (80) special education male and female teachers in Gaza governorates. The study used a descriptive correlational methodology. Also, the following scales/tools were applied: Self-Efficacy, stressful life events (designed by researcher), and spiritual intelligence designed by Alkhazraji (2016). The study used many statistical methods including: Person correlational coefficient, multiple regression analysis, a (t-test) for independent samples and a (one way Anova) test. The study concluded that Self-Efficacy doesn’t vary according to gender, teacher category and the track of student’s disability the teacher dealing with and that spiritual intelligence and stressful life events are capable of predicting Self-Efficacy. (Published abstract)