تأثير تمرينات مهارية وفقا لأنماط التعلم في التدوير العقلي وتعلم مهارتي المناولة والتهديف بكرة القدم لطلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط

The problem of research is to answer the following question: Do exercises in accordance with learning patterns affect the development of mental rotation and learn some of the offensive skills of football for students? The aim of this study is to prepare exercises according to the learning styles of football for students, to know the effect of the exercises on learning patterns in the development of the mental rotation of football for students and to identify the preference of learning patterns in the development of mental rotation and learning the skills of handling and football. Exercises based on learning patterns have a positive impact on the development of mental cycling for students. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research in the manner of the three equal experimental groups as the appropriate method to solve the research problem and achieve its objectives. The research sample included (30) students from the second grade students. After processing the results obtained by the researcher concluded that the exercise according to the learning patterns applied to the three experimental groups had a positive impact in the development of mental rotation and learn some of the skills of handling and scoring in football. In light of the conclusions reached by the researcher, it is recommended to use exercises according to the learning patterns in the lesson of physical education, so as to suit the age of students, as students need the atmosphere of competition and fun. (Published abstract)