فاعلية برنامج النظام الذكي لمعالجة المعرفة (risk) في التحصيل الدراسي وتنمية التفكير الناقد لدى طلاب الصف الرابع العلمي في مادة الفيزياء


The present study aims at identifying The Effectiveness of Right Intelligent System of Knowledge Program (RISK) in the Achievement and Development of Critical Thinking of Students of the Fourth Year Scientific Branch in Studying Physics. The researcher has used the partial experimental design with two groups: experimental and control. A sample which is randomly chosen is represented by students of fourth year scientific branch of (Mustafa Jawad Preparatory School for Boys). The two groups were equivalent in the following variables (age, Intelligence test, previous achievement test of physics and criticizing thinking test). The behavioral aims of the teaching material is marked, and they are (55) aims. The tools of the research represent the achievement test type of Multiple-Choice Question of (50) items with four alternatives, the critical thinking test of (90) items according to the skills set by Watson and Glaser (1994). The results showed superiority of the students of the experimental group taught according to the RISK program to students in control group taught according to traditional method in the achievement test and critical thinking test. (Published abstract)