تأثير تمرينات مهارية بالأسلوب التدريبي في بعض القدرات البصرية وتعلم مهارتي الدحرجة والمناولة بكرة القدم الصالات لطلاب الصف الأول متوسط


The teaching of sports skills requires effective methods in learning this skill. Traditional methods are not useful in making the required change in learning these skills, and because the development of the various games has become clear and significant due to the use of modern methods. The researchers wanted to study the use of skills exercises in the method of training in visual abilities to learn the skills of dribbling and handling in futsal for the first intermediate students. The experimental method was used with the experimental groups and controller was divided by draft of Al- Yazji Intermediate school students in the district of Khalis of (40) students. The research results showed that the experimental group developed in the post-tests more than the controller group as a result of the use of training exercises in the training method. (Published abstract)