أثر اختلاف مستويات كثافة تلميحات الإنفوجرافيك عبر شبكات الويب الإجتماعية في تنمية مهارات الثقافة البصرية لدى طلبة تكنولوجيا التعليم


The current study aimed at revealing the impact of different levels of intensity of infographic cues through social web networks in developing visual literacy skills among educational technology students at the Faculty of Education in Ismailia, Suez Canal University. The semi-experimental design has been utilized with three experimental groups, which depends on applying pre-testing study tools, then conducting experimental intervention, then applying the study post-testing tools. The semi-experimental design has an independent variable is; the intensity levels of infographic cues have three levels (simple, medium, heavy), and the dependent variable includes the visual literacy skills. The study tools were the visual literacy skills test and achievement test. The study group was formed in in final status by 30 students from First and third year of educational technology Division at the Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University. The researcher applied the appropriate statistical methods using a set of statistical programs for social sciences (SPSS). The study found the differences for levels of intensity of infographic cues through social web networks in developing visual literacy skills among educational technology students, he found statistical differences for the third experimental group students that use the intensity level of the intensive infographic cues through Edmodo. The study recommended adopting levels of intensity of infographics cues in developing visual literacy skills as a pre-requisite for educational technology students before studying courses related to visual materials as these courses require sufficient visual skills for students. (Author's abstract)