فعالية برنامج علاجي لطلاب الجامعة ذوى اضطراب القلق وأثره على التفاعل الاجتماعي لديهم : جامعة الملك عبد العزيز بجدة نموذجا


The aim of the current study is to verify the effectiveness of a treatment program in reducing future anxiety among a sample of university students and its impact on their social communication. The study sample consisted of (15) students from Jeddah University, and the researcher used the measure of future anxiety (Prepared by: Zainab Shukair, 2005), And the scale of social interaction (preparation: the researcher), a treatment program (preparation: the researcher), and the results of the study resulted in the effectiveness of the treatment program used in the study in reducing the future anxiety of a sample of university students and their social communication. (Published abstract)