فاعلية استخدام استراتيجية التدريس التبادلي في تنمية مهارات القراءة الناقدة لدى طلبة السنة الأولى المشتركة في جامعة أم القرى


The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of using the Reciprocal Teaching strategy in developing critical reading skills in Common First Year students at Umm Al-Qura University. The research used quasi-experimental design. The sample of the study consisted of two groups randomly: control group which consisted of 23 students, and experimental group which consisted of 19 students. The findings of the study revealed that there was statistically significant different between the mean of the groups in the post-test at (α≤ 0.05) for the favor of experimental group. Based on the results of this study, recommendations for practices and future research were presented. (Published abstract)