فاعلية الفصل المعكوس والويب كويست في اكتساب مهارات تصميم المحتوى الإلكتروني التفاعلي لدى طالبات كلية التربية بالجامعة الإسلامية بغزة


The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of flipped learning and webquest on developing of interactive electronic content design skills among Faculty of Education female students in Islamic University of Gaza where the researchers work, the researchers adopted the quasi-experimental approach, the sample of the study consists of (34) students that learn educational computer applications- practical course, the researchers used product evaluation card as a tool to this study, after the implementation of the post performance, the researchers used the statistical package for social sciences SPSS to analyze the data collected, the results of the product evaluation card indicated that there were no statistically significant differences at the level (α≤0.05) between the mean of the students group that learned by using flipped learning and the mean of the students group that learned by using the webquest, results of the study also confirm the effectiveness of flipped learning and webquest in acquiring interactive electronic content design skills was too high. Based on those findings, the study recommended the necessity of implementing the webquest and flipped learning methods in teaching practical educational computer applications to bring about better outcomes in students' performance in interactive electronic content design skills. (Published abstract)