فاعلية برنامج تعليمي محوسب في تنمية التحصيل الدراسي بمبحث العلوم ومهارات التعلم المنظم ذاتيا لدى طلبة الصف السابع الأساسي


The aim of the study was to find out the effectiveness of a computerized education program in the achievement of science and self-organized learning skills among seventh grade students. The study followed the semi-empirical approach by dividing the study sample into two experimental and control groups by applying the computerized learning program strategy to the experimental group and teaching the control group in the normal way. The study sample consisted of (54) students enrolled in the Jordan University School in Amman- Jordan. The researcher prepared a self-regulatory learning and a self-administered learning program in addition to the computerized teaching program in science. The results of the study showed the following: that there were statistically significant differences between the mean performance of the two study groups on the post-achievement test and the self-organized learning scale for the benefit of the experimental group members. In light of the results of the study, the researcher presented a set of recommendations. (Published abstract)