مناهج التربية الإسلامية القديمة والمطورة للصفوف الثلاثة الأولى في الأردن : دراسة مقارنة


The study aimed to identify the differences between the characteristics of the old and developed Islamic education curricula for the first three grades in Jordan from the teachers' viewpoints. The study was based on the descriptive method to achieve the objective set. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The study sample consisted of (148) male and female teachers of the first three grades in the schools affiliated to the education directorate in Irbid city. The results showed that the characteristics of the old and developed Islamic education curricula for grades applied for in Jordan from teachers' viewpoints of Islamic education came to a high degree for both curricula (the old and the modern), the highest was for the book language and the lowest for the evaluation in both curricula, the evaluation in the old curriculum was better than the developed. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the old and developed Islamic educational curricula for the first three grades of the two curricula (old and modern) according to the variables (gender, years of experience, and qualification). Finally, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences in all the subjects of the study between the developed and the old curriculum in favor of the old curriculum. In light of the results of the study, the researchers recommend that the developers of curriculum should pay attention to improve and enrich the content and diversify the activities and methods of assessment to help students to self-learning and motivate them to interpret and conclusion. (Published abstract)