تطوير مقرر العلوم العامة وأثره في اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية وتنمية مهارات عمليات العلم لدى طالبات التربية الخاصة بجامعة الملك خالد


The research aimed at developing the general science course and recognizing the effect of teaching one of the proposed units on the acquisition of scientific concepts and the development of basic and integrative science processes skills among special education students at KKU. To achieve this, a proposed vision was prepared based on the analysis the scientific concepts and basic and integrative science processes skills included in the science book of the primary stage. One unit, "earth", was built and taught to the students using "blackboard". Two tools were prepared one is the scientific concepts test and basic and integrative science processes skills scale. They were applied on a sample of (35) students at the Faculty of Education, department of special education, learning difficulties branch in the first semester (1439-2018). The results were statistically calculated using means, standard deviations, t-test and Cohen's D. The results showed positive effect on acquiring scientific concepts and developing basic and integrative science processes skills. In light of the results, there were some recommendation and suggested researches presented. The most important is a review of the programs preparing the special education teacher and the development of specialized courses. (Published abstract)