مستوى الوعي ما وراء المعرفي باستراتيجيات التعلم وعلاقته بالتعلم المنظم ذاتيا لدى طلبة كلية التربية في جامعة اليرموك


This study aimed to identify the level of metacognitive awareness of learning strategies and its relationship to self-regulated learning among students of the college of education at Yarmouk University. The researchers improved a questionnaire to measure the level metacognitive awareness of learning of strategies and Purdie scale for self-regulated learning. The sample of the study consisted of (472) males and females student selected from the faculty of education at Yarmouk University, the results showed that the level of metacognitive awareness of learning strategies was medium. It also shows that the level of metacognitive for: "the story versus the prose text strategy", "chunking versus automatic repetition", "method of site versus repetition" and "dual coding (binary) versus single coding", predicting self-regulated learning among students. (Published abstract)