العلاقة بين التعلم المنظم ذاتيا والثقة بالنفس لدى طالبات المرحلة الثانوية


The study aims to determining the relationship, self - organized education and self-confidence for sample secondary school students. And the relationship between the self-confidence for sample Saudi female students and non-Saudi female students, and measure the difference in self-esteem among students according to the quantitative estimate. The study sample consists of (100) secondary school students in Riyadh city. The researched prepared self-organized education scale and self-confidence scale. The results showed that: there is a positive relational between self-organized education and self-confidence. And there are statistically significant differences between the averages of Saudi and non-Saudi female students on the self-confidence scale for non-Saudi students. The study also found a difference in the degree of self-confidence among the students according to the quantitative assessment for the students with the highest estimate. (Published abstract)