دوافع التحاق الطلبة بتخصص الإرشاد النفسي في جامعة اليرموك وعلاقتها بمتغيرات الجنس ونوع القبول ومعدل الثانوية العامة


This study aimed at investigating Yarmouk university students' motives for selecting psychological counseling specialization, and whether there would be statistical significant differences in their motives due to the variables of gender, admission type and general secondary average. To achieve the aims of the study the researchers developed a scale of motives for selecting psychological counseling specialization. The sample of the study consisted of (289) undergraduate male female students available selected from psychological counseling specialization students at Yarmouk University during 2nd semester in the academic year 2013/2014. The results of the study revealed that the students' motives level for selecting psychological counseling specialization was high, where the motives were ordered as a follow: Personal, social, family, vocational and academic motives. (Published abstract)