التخطيط وأهميته في المناهج وطرائق التدريس

Planning is one of the most modern strategic tools and one of the modern administrative activities emanating from the field of strategic management which covers all fields of work, whether social, economic, political, academic or educational, so that this activity is directly responsible for setting the objectives to be achieved in the organization, Ways to achieve them through an in-depth analytical study of both the internal environment of the organization, identifying the strengths and weaknesses, and the external environment that directly affect the organization, where they are affected and affected. This activity identifies the opportunities to be captured Planning, in general, is an inevitable tool for regular work, so we find it present in all modern institutions that respect development and progress and strive to move from reality to reality, including institutions Educational, which need this element exceptionally, being the basis for the organization of the process of teaching at all stages of education, and because of its importance we chose to review the most prominent concepts that refer to it accurately in this research of the concept of planning for teaching is planning the teaching of the branches of the organization's overall educational planning activity Which is especially concerned with achieving the optimal utilization of the human element. This component is considered as one of the main resources that serve the predefined objectives, as it is directly responsible for the operation of the other elements and the achievement of the various strategic objectives. This process goes through a series of regular and sequential phases, Clear and solid to study the status of teaching from all aspects, that is, one of the most prominent strategic curriculum that sets annual plans based on educational goals, and formulate monthly and weekly plans, and prepare in advance for teaching before the holding of classes and lectures, and takes all the information T in the curriculum, and use appropriate methods for the delivery of information to students. (Published Abstract)