مهارات توظيف تطبيقات التعلم النقال m-learning اللازمة لطلاب كلية التربية في ضوء احتياجاتهم التدريبية


The current research aimed to identify the skills of using and employing the mobile learning applications required for the Faculty of Education students in light of their training needs. In order to improving the efficiency and performance of the teachers during the preparation in faculties of education regarding the field of employing technology in education. To achieve the research objective, the researcher was used the descriptive analytical methodology, and prepared a general skills list included the skills of employing m-learning applications. A questionnaire was also prepared to identify the students' needs from the skills of employing m-learning applications. After analyzing the results, a skills list of employing m-learning applications was obtained and included (9) main skills and (64) sub-skills required for Faculty of Education students. In light of this results, researcher presented some research recommendations. (Published abstract)