دور تقييم أداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس وفق المعايير المهنية الوطنية المتوافقة لرؤية 2030 في تحسين المخرجات التعليمية : دارسة تطبيقية بكليات التربية بجامعة بشقراء


The purpose of the study is to improve the performance of teaching staff by identifying the role of evaluating the performance of faculty members in light of the national professional standards for vision 2030 in improving the outputs of the faculties. The results were collected by distributing the questionnaire to the administrative leaders of the faculties of education at Shaqra University. The results show that the professional standards for the faculty members conform to the vision of the kingdom of 2030 under four areas including the professional values and responsibilities, professional knowledge, the professional practice of a faculty member under which nine criteria are based on a number of pillars. The results also showed a statistically significant relationship between evaluating the performance of the faculty member according to national professional standards and improving educational outcomes. The recommendations of the study showed the need to develop the necessary plans for the rehabilitation of the academic and professional staff using the results of the evaluation. Keywords: evaluation, educational leaders, vision of Saudi Arabia 2030, educational outputs, national professional standards. (Published abstract)