أثر مشارکة الطلاب المعلمین في إنتاج مصادر التعلم في بیئات التعلم المقلوب على تنمیة مهارات التخطیط لصفحات الإنترنت التفاعلیة


The current research aimed to identify the impact of student participation in the production of learning resources within the learning environment inverted on the development of the skills of planning the interactive web pages. The research sample consisted of 60 students from the fourth year computer department in the faculty of specific education, Zagazig University. The search tools in the achievement test and the student performance note card were designed for interactive web page planning skills. And the research reached the results of the most important impact of the participation of students teachers in the production of learning resources within the learning environment inverted on the development of the knowledge of the skills of planning interactive web pages students of educational technology have a computer division. In addition to the impact of the participation of students teachers in the production of learning resources within the learning environment inverted on the development of the strategic side of the skills of planning the interactive Web pages of students of technology education computer division. (Published abstract)