أثر اختلاف توظیف تطبیقي جوجل (محرر مستندات جوجل - عروض جوجل التقدیمیة) فى تنمیة مهارات صیانة الحاسب الآلي لدى طلاب تكنولوجیا التعلیم


The purpose of the research is investigated the effect of using google applications as web tools on developing some computer maintenance skills among fourth year students at educational technology department. The researcher used two google applications (google docs- google presentations). She divided the students into two experimental groups and followed the quasi-experimental method. She explained the content of computer maintenance course through both applications and taking into consideration the differences in benefits. The experiment applied to (n=20) students from fourth year students at educational technology department in 2018. She prepared a list of computer maintenance skills, achievement test and an observation checklist for each student. Results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the two experimental groups in the pre and post administration of the achievement test and an observation checklist in favor of the post administration. The results showed also that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of first experimental group (Google docs) and second group (google presentations) at (0.01) level in the pre and post administration of the achievement test and an observation checklist in computer maintenance skills in favor of the first experimental group. (Published abstract)