السلوك الغذائي وعلاقته باللياقة البدنية لدى المشاركين في جائزة الملك عبد الله لطلبة المرحلة الأساسية في العاصمة عمان


The study aims at identifying the nutritional behavior and its relationship with physical fitness among the participants in the King Abdullah Award for the students of the basic stage in the capital Amman. The researcher used the descriptive method and the subject were randomly selected from 100 students in the academic year 2017-2018 , and after the statistical analysis treatment, the important results were: The level of nutritional behavior of participants in the King Abdullah Award for students of the basic stage in the capital Amman was high, the level of fitness of the participants was high, and there are no differences between the nutritional behavior and fitness of the participants in the award due to gender variable. (Published abstract)