teaching literature through an emotional intelligence model in grade 11 classes in lebanese schools


This 12-week experimental study involved examining the effect of an ESL (Emotional Social Learning) program on the academic progress of 174 Grade 11 students in two Lebanese private schools. The curriculum was unique in that it purported to train skills under the umbrella of emotional intelligence (El), as opposed to the realm of social skills or emotional competency. The intervention program was composed of four literary short stories where instruction carried involved three levels of analysis: informational, conceptual and ESL. The last level of analysis examined characters, emotional intelligence skills and traits. The Shutte Social Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) was administered to the participants at the beginning of the program and after treatment. Statistical procedures for analysis were as follows: 1) Descriptive statistics were provided for the purpose of showing the variation in estimated means and standard deviations for each dependent and independent variable across the sample. 2) Paired t test and independent t tests to compare significant differences between means of the same group or among both the experimental and control groups. 3) A set of bivariate correlations or regression analysis were obtained to better understand the unique relationships between the construct of emotional intelligence and gender on one side and that of the construct with other measures of success. Results obtained showed progress in EQ scores for experimental group from 97.8 to 107.43. As for the other factors of success the results obtained did not s show significant progress in students’ English Language grades or in their total average. Correlational statistics showed significant correlation between EQ and measures of academic of achievement considered in this study. The secondary Research question which attempted to examine the role of gender in attaining EQ traits as measured by Shutte Social Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) did not show significant differences between females and males in attaining Emotional intelligence. (Author’s abstract)