مستوى تضمين مهارات التفكير التأملي في كتب التربية الإسلامية للمرحلة الإعدادية في العراق : دراسة تحليلية


This study aimed at revealing the level of inclusion of reflective thinking skills in textbooks of Islamic Education of the Preparatory Stage in Iraq. The descriptive analytical method was used, and the researcher prepared a content analysis checklist as a tool for study, which consisted of (32) items and included the reflective of thinking skills distributed into the following (5) domains: visual vision, reaching conclusions, providing convincing explanations, detecting fallacies and providing proposed solutions. The population of the study consisted of the textbooks of Islamic Education for the fourth, fifth and sixth preparatory grades in Iraq. The study results showed that the textbooks of Islamic Education for the preparatory stage in Iraq included (180) repetitions of reflective thinking skills, and the skills of the domain “providing convincing explanations” came in the first place among the other domains while the skills of the domain “detecting fallacies” score the last place. The results showed also that an average balance in the distribution of reflective thinking skills in the Islamic education textbooks of the preparatory stage in Iraq. In light of the results, the researcher provided some recommendations, including more attention need to be paid to the reflective thinking skills in the Islamic education textbooks of the preparatory stage in Iraq. (Author’s abstract)