ضغوط التكنولوجيا وعلاقتها بالاغتراب فى ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديموجرافية


The study explored the relationship between techno stress and alienation. The study also examined the differences in techno stress and alienation according to SES and marital status. The study also discussed the prediction of alienation through the dimensions of techno stress. Sample consisted of 300 male and female adults as a pilot sample and 500 as basic sample. Two instruments were validated by the researcher. Results have showed that there are statistically significant differences between males and females. There is also statistically significant correlation between alienation and techno stress. The results showed also significant differences according to SES. Alienation can be predicted through techno stress. There is also statistically significant correlation between alienation and total hours of exposure to media and communication types. (Published abstract)