إتجاه المرشدين الطلابيين بالمرحلة الابتدائية نحو ممارسة مهارات الإرشاد باللعب


This study is intended to identify the attitude of the students counselors at the elementary stage towards exercising Play based counseling skills, and to reveal the differences among the students counselors’ attitudes in using the techniques and skills of play-based counseling as per the variables of (age, experience, specialization, size of school). The sample contained 73 students’ counselors at the elementary stage at Taef Governorate during the 1st semester (1436-1437 H). The researcher applied the Attitude towards Exercising Play Counseling Techniques Scale, together with using the descriptive approach. The study concluded that art method is the most widespread one used by the participants (%21.4), while the leased used was the method of music and water (%1). The pivot of realizing the counselor of his experience with children ranked on the top as to agreement degree at the scale dimensions. The counselor realizing of children experience ranked at the 2nd class, while the significance of interaction pivot within the session occupied the 3rd class as to agreement degree. The researcher investigated the statistical differences towards play-based counseling according to the counselor specialization and the school size, there were no significant differences. The study showed also that there are significant differences on the scale dimensions as per age and experience. (Published abstract)