أهمية أساليب الدلالة العملية في ترشيد نتائج وخلاصات البحوث النفسية والتربوية


This study aimed to unwrap the effect size (practical significance) as a complementary method in examining hypotheses by clarifying some statistical indicators that are used in order to indicate the value of the effect Size. It also focused on presenting the concept of effect size and its importance in covering the shortcomings of research hypotheses due to the reliance on classical statistical significance methods; as well as its role in rationalizing the results and conclusions related to research hypotheses in general. This study aimed also to compare practical significance and statistical significance methods, in order to clarify these concepts. This is for asserting the importance of each significance separately on one hand; and to encourage researchers in education and psychology to combine the concepts of statistical significance and practical significance in their future works. (Published Abstract)