أثر استخدام الفيديو التفاعلي في التدريس على التحصيل العلمي في مقرر الحاسب الآلي للصف الأول الثانوي

This study has been conducted to assess the impact of teaching by using interactive video on the academic achievement on computer subject of first year secondary, for Wadi Al Dawasir province. The study sample consisted of 48 students divided into two groups. The experimental group studied the subject using "interactive video", while the control group used the "linear video" approach. The researcher has designed the tool of the study of 3 levels of bloom's taxonomy. The research findings indicated no statistically significant differences between the two groups in the remembering level, while there were statistically significant differences in the comprehension and implementation levels, and the overall achievement test was in favor of the experimental group. The study has made some recommendations for integrating “interactive video” as a method of instruction, and the development of computer software based on interactive video. (Published abstract)