تحليل محتوى كتب الجغرافيا للمرحلة الإعدادية في العراق في ضوء مهارات التفكير البصري


The study aimed at identifying the skills of visual thinking included in geography books for the preparatory stage in Iraq. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method and prepared content analysis card, which included the following skills of visual thinking: Reading and visual recognition, visual perception and visual analysis. The sample of study consisted of content of geography books for the preparatory stage (Grades four, five and six) in Iraq. The findings showed that the books included (232) repetitions regarding the skills of visual thinking, whereas the skills of “reading and visual recognition” occupied the first position, while the skills of “visual analysis” occupied the last position. The book of fifth preparatory grade occupied the first position, which included (90) repetitions regarding the skills of visual thinking, and the book of sixth preparatory grade occupied the last position with (52) repetitions regarding the skills of visual thinking. Moreover, the study concluded that there was imbalance in the distribution of the skills of visual thinking in geography books for the preparatory stage in Iraq. In light of study conclusions, the researcher recommended the following: it is essential to enhance geography books for the preparatory stage in Iraq with the skills of visual analysis. (Author’s abstract)