تقويم كتب التربية الوطنية والمدنية للمرحلة الأساسية العليا بالأردن في ضوء معايير المواطنة


The study aimed at evaluate the textbooks of national and civic education for the eighth, ninth and tenth grades in the primary stage in Jordan to investigate the inclusion of the criteria of citizenship and its indicators in the field of (security, political, social, economic, and cultural). The researcher used the descriptive method based on the analytical method; the unit of analysis was the idea, the number of criteria was criterion, the number of indicators was an indicator and the validity of the analysis tool was verified and proven by appropriate research methods. The results concluded that the national and civic education textbooks in the three grades included a number of indicators and its repetition was (266) distributed in five domains. The security domain got the first place and the three books had (108) repetitions in, then the cultural sphere (84), the social sphere (28), and the economic field (27) times, and the lowest was the political domain (19) repetitions. Based on the results of this study, the researcher recommends that these indicators and national standards should be presented in a balanced manner in the textbooks of national and civic education. The three grades should include some important indicators of citizenship that have not been mentioned in book. (Author’s abstract)