إتجاهات طلبة قسم التاريخ في كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية نحو الأسئلة المقالية والموضوعية

This research aims at "knowing the attitudes of students of history\College of Education for Humanities - Karbala University toward objective and subjective questions" to achieve this aim, questionnaire of (30) items for objective and subjective questions has been preparedly, the validity of the instrument has been gained by exposing it to a jury of experts in the field of education and psychology. As for the reliability, Pearson correlation coefficient has been used to be corrected by superman brown formula. The in student has been conducted on (120) male and female students in the abovementioned department of the second, third, and forth stages using t-test for tow samples revealed that student of history have appositive attitude towards objective questions the researcher recommended the importance of using objective questions in monthly and final exam inactions. (Published abstract)