فاعلية أنموذج التحري الجماعي في التحصيل وتنمية التفكير التاريخي لدى طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة التاريخ العربي الإسلامي

The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of the model of collective inquiry in the achievement of the second grade students and the development of their historical thinking. To achieve the objective of the research, the researcher developed the two zero hypotheses: first: there are no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level between the average scores of the experimental group that is studying the material using the collective investigation model and the control group that is studying the same material using the traditional method of the achievement test. Second: there are no statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level between the average scores of the experimental group that is studying the material using the collective investigation model and the control group that is studying the same material using the traditional method in the test of historical thinking. The researcher identified the sample of his research in two groups: 1) the experimental group and the number of its students is 30 students "of the division is studying the subject of Arab Islamic history using the collective investigation model. 2. The experimental group and the number of its students is 30 students "of the division a studying the subject of Arab Islamic history using the traditional model. The researcher was rewarded between the two groups in several variables: and after the researcher identified the scientific material to be taught, which included chapters I and II of the book of Arab Islamic history for the second grade intermediate to be taught for the academic year 2017 - 2018. In the light of its content, the researcher prepared behavioral goals that measure the three levels in the bloom classification of knowledge (knowledge - understanding - application) there were 95 behavioral goals for the first semester, and 74 behavioral goals for the second semester, and daily teaching plans for each group of research. As for the research tools, it was the test of achievement. The validity of the test was verified by the apparent truthfulness, and its stability was extracted in the b half-way distribution and a test for the development of historical thinking. The researcher studied the two research groups by himself and the experiment lasted 10 weeks. The researcher applied the achievement test and the historical thinking test at the end of the experiment on the two research groups and used the appropriate statistical methods. The search resulted in the following result: the experimental group that studied the material outweighed the use of the collective investigation model in the control test on the control group studied in the traditional way. The experimental group outperformed the development of historical thinking on the control group. In light of the research findings, the researcher reached conclusions, including: the superiority of the experimental group, which was studied using the collective inquiry model in the teaching of Arab Islamic history, was reflected in the achievement of the students' historical thinking skills. The researcher made a number of recommendations, including: 1) test and measurement designers should focus on building the historical thinking skills tests of history curricula in primary and secondary education to be easily used by teachers and teachers. 2) To enrich the history books planned in the different stages of the studies, prepared according to the model of the collective investigation and the preparation of lessons according to this model and other teaching models. The researcher suggested some studies such as: 1) in achieving dependent variables such as acquisition of historical concepts and other dependent variables. 2) Experimenting the impact of the investigation model on the achievement and the trend toward the subjects of different educational levels, such as middle and middle school. (Published abstract)